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July 22, 2009


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Awesome! I am keeping an eye out for a sewing machine as well as a bike. Good luck!

I wish I was there. I can usually figure out machines. But I think you can probably find a manual by going online and looking on or and seeing if anyone is selling one. Maybe even do a search on google.

BTW, have fun!

Looks like a great machine! I have an old Singer of my grandmother's I hope to get running... someday.

Nice machine. I've had to lug around a few like that before so I can relate to how heavy they are. I never did get them serviced, though. As much as my head tells me I'd like to sew, the rest of me has anger issues with tangling threads.

Beautiful writings. Good thinking. Keep going. Thanks.

Cheering work. Many will like it. Thanks.

Make continuation of such useful works. Thanks.

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